all postcodes in B37 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B37 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B37 7LH 41 0 52.473148 -1.730826
B37 7LJ 20 0 52.472752 -1.73077
B37 7LL 57 0 52.472338 -1.730537
B37 7LN 27 1 52.472704 -1.72921
B37 7LP 46 0 52.472244 -1.728859
B37 7LQ 55 0 52.474151 -1.732955
B37 7LR 8 0 52.471388 -1.731941
B37 7LS 1 0 52.470862 -1.733534
B37 7LT 12 0 52.471783 -1.731394
B37 7LU 15 0 52.472946 -1.732874
B37 7LX 15 0 52.473551 -1.734269
B37 7LY 15 0 52.474613 -1.734631
B37 7LZ 55 0 52.470646 -1.73751
B37 7NA 11 0 52.475397 -1.735318
B37 7NB 4 0 52.476405 -1.735974
B37 7ND 8 0 52.47708 -1.736486
B37 7NE 66 0 52.47788 -1.736231
B37 7NG 44 0 52.477783 -1.733139
B37 7NH 23 0 52.47846 -1.734475
B37 7NJ 23 0 52.477653 -1.735407