all postcodes in B37 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B37 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B37 7NL 44 0 52.476897 -1.735103
B37 7NN 6 0 52.47277 -1.726618
B37 7NP 12 1 52.472062 -1.727668
B37 7NQ 19 0 52.477812 -1.734199
B37 7NR 19 0 52.471447 -1.729983
B37 7NS 10 0 52.471037 -1.731546
B37 7NT 25 0 52.470748 -1.731135
B37 7NU 20 0 52.470585 -1.730533
B37 7NX 25 0 52.470817 -1.729751
B37 7NY 40 1 52.471228 -1.728718
B37 7PA 21 0 52.469866 -1.730655
B37 7PB 20 0 52.470443 -1.728966
B37 7PD 43 0 52.471136 -1.727733
B37 7PE 29 0 52.471017 -1.726968
B37 7PF 59 0 52.472058 -1.726063
B37 7PH 25 0 52.477146 -1.737648
B37 7PJ 30 0 52.476583 -1.739109
B37 7PL 22 1 52.475704 -1.740101
B37 7PN 36 0 52.475702 -1.739129
B37 7PP 39 0 52.476023 -1.737861