all postcodes in B49 / ALCESTER

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B49 6LD 46 0 52.222864 -1.863828
B49 6LE 1 0 52.210458 -1.864041
B49 6LF 12 0 52.210054 -1.864569
B49 6LG 15 0 52.208588 -1.863886
B49 6LH 1 0 52.205176 -1.860019
B49 6LJ 5 0 52.199268 -1.874961
B49 6LL 69 0 52.207933 -1.873312
B49 6LN 3 1 52.213634 -1.851298
B49 6LP 1 0 52.208484 -1.875491
B49 6LQ 6 0 52.209147 -1.865509
B49 6LR 1 0 52.20994 -1.844725
B49 6LS 1 0 52.219075 -1.845601
B49 6LT 2 0 52.225565 -1.828251
B49 6LU 26 1 52.216842 -1.824063
B49 6LW 1 0 52.213775 -1.848561
B49 6LX 34 3 52.216648 -1.823631
B49 6LY 8 0 52.221461 -1.816272
B49 6LZ 9 0 52.220812 -1.815689
B49 6NA 1 0 52.223919 -1.807815
B49 6NB 1 0 52.205393 -1.803826