all postcodes in B49 / ALCESTER

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B49 6ND 1 0 52.205272 -1.812402
B49 6NE 6 1 52.212827 -1.787548
B49 6NF 6 2 52.20905 -1.787259
B49 6NH 3 0 52.197758 -1.808059
B49 6NL 5 0 52.204463 -1.824595
B49 6NN 1 0 52.207222 -1.823735
B49 6NQ 6 2 52.202913 -1.796571
B49 6NR 3 1 52.194778 -1.805848
B49 6NS 19 0 52.192899 -1.814391
B49 6NT 3 0 52.193322 -1.817368
B49 6NU 19 1 52.191672 -1.819978
B49 6NW 1 0 52.207286 -1.830276
B49 6NX 4 1 52.191541 -1.822583
B49 6NY 19 0 52.187239 -1.819338
B49 6NZ 3 0 52.185344 -1.823988
B49 6PA 35 1 52.192929 -1.822291
B49 6PB 1 1 52.218399 -1.866139
B49 6PE 23 0 52.232853 -1.835904
B49 6PG 19 0 52.211972 -1.859397
B49 6PH 10 0 52.211122 -1.863029