all postcodes in B68 / OLDBURY

find any address or company within the B68 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B68 9LX 0 52.491011 -1.999514
B68 9LY 0 52.490283 -1.998248
B68 9LZ 1 52.489788 -1.995744
B68 9NA 0 52.488682 -1.993948
B68 9NB 9 52.488143 -1.992725
B68 9ND 3 52.487945 -1.992077
B68 9NE 4 52.487729 -1.992725
B68 9NF 4 52.486615 -1.993609
B68 9NG 0 52.485428 -1.993168
B68 9NH 0 52.484835 -1.991666
B68 9NJ 0 52.484457 -1.994891
B68 9NL 0 52.482282 -1.997232
B68 9NQ 0 52.486471 -1.992122
B68 9NR 0 52.479045 -1.999868
B68 9NS 0 52.47891 -2.001384
B68 9NT 0 52.488404 -1.996304
B68 9NU 0 52.489348 -1.997143
B68 9NX 0 52.48906 -1.996127
B68 9NY 0 52.487936 -1.995273
B68 9PA 1 52.483387 -1.991975