all postcodes in B68 / OLDBURY

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B68 9RH 0 52.487559 -2.001812
B68 9RP 1 52.492431 -1.998042
B68 9RQ 0 52.488431 -2.002018
B68 9RR 0 52.49458 -1.998277
B68 9RS 0 52.495955 -1.997408
B68 9RT 0 52.495758 -1.996863
B68 9RU 0 52.49413 -1.997202
B68 9RX 0 52.493195 -1.99651
B68 9RY 0 52.493771 -1.997997
B68 9RZ 1 52.493447 -1.998498
B68 9SA 0 52.493852 -1.994948
B68 9SB 0 52.493177 -1.99271
B68 9SD 0 52.494346 -1.99377
B68 9SG 0 52.491748 -1.996687
B68 9SH 0 52.490822 -1.995553
B68 9SJ 0 52.491359 -1.993985
B68 9SL 0 52.491871 -1.992321
B68 9SP 0 52.492752 -1.990936
B68 9SQ 0 52.490855 -1.996636
B68 9SR 0 52.490813 -1.992401