all postcodes in B68 / OLDBURY

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B68 9PB 0 52.483055 -1.994758
B68 9PD 0 52.482812 -1.993433
B68 9PE 0 52.482273 -1.994685
B68 9PF 0 52.481742 -1.994125
B68 9PG 0 52.48069 -1.995671
B68 9PH 0 52.48176 -1.993477
B68 9PJ 0 52.482911 -1.992049
B68 9PL 0 52.482701 -1.991395
B68 9PN 0 52.482218 -1.991725
B68 9PP 0 52.479144 -1.991814
B68 9PQ 0 52.480358 -1.995509
B68 9PR 0 52.480573 -1.993212
B68 9PS 0 52.480214 -1.993698
B68 9PT 5 52.478721 -1.991093
B68 9PU 0 52.477831 -1.992418
B68 9PW 0 52.480609 -1.991873
B68 9PX 0 52.477966 -1.992918
B68 9QD 0 52.489752 -2.000133
B68 9QE 0 52.488925 -1.998528
B68 9QF 0 52.487936 -1.99704