all postcodes in B68 / OLDBURY

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B68 9QG 0 52.487424 -1.995744
B68 9QH 0 52.486282 -1.995082
B68 9QJ 0 52.484691 -1.996083
B68 9QN 0 52.48728 -1.997364
B68 9QP 0 52.484745 -1.998778
B68 9QQ 0 52.487388 -1.994257
B68 9QR 2 52.484673 -1.997659
B68 9QS 0 52.486255 -1.997909
B68 9QT 0 52.488386 -1.999632
B68 9QU 0 52.488575 -2.000928
B68 9QW 0 52.486183 -1.996923
B68 9QX 0 52.487271 -1.999441
B68 9QY 0 52.48621 -1.999235
B68 9QZ 0 52.48684 -2.000221
B68 9RA 0 52.487604 -1.999441
B68 9RB 0 52.487748 -2.000604
B68 9RD 0 52.488206 -2.000221
B68 9RE 0 52.488404 -2.000545
B68 9RF 0 52.486237 -2.000148
B68 9RG 0 52.486956 -2.001797