all postcodes in B90 / SOLIHULL

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B90 2RN 47 0 52.395814 -1.826336
B90 2RP 49 0 52.395645 -1.827542
B90 2RR 21 0 52.396679 -1.827479
B90 2RS 63 0 52.395918 -1.829922
B90 2RT 44 0 52.396837 -1.830976
B90 2RU 38 0 52.396638 -1.83014
B90 2RW 26 0 52.394924 -1.825972
B90 2RX 52 2 52.3975 -1.829563
B90 2RY 50 0 52.397985 -1.82887
B90 2RZ 48 0 52.398443 -1.828751
B90 2SA 4 0 52.399513 -1.828585
B90 2SB 12 0 52.399351 -1.828586
B90 2SD 47 0 52.397191 -1.833415
B90 2SP 7 0 52.404861 -1.841029
B90 2TA 66 0 52.414635 -1.835966
B90 2WE 1 0 52.408076 -1.82573
B90 2WT 1 1 52.408076 -1.82573
B90 2FD 2 0 52.413916 -1.831963
B90 2LF 12 0 52.409012 -1.839471
B90 2FE 1 1 52.413542 -1.832162