all postcodes in B90 / SOLIHULL

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B90 2DG 42 0 52.406505 -1.833732
B90 2DH 18 0 52.407834 -1.832287
B90 2DJ 51 0 52.407181 -1.835112
B90 2DL 42 0 52.408222 -1.833814
B90 2DN 34 0 52.409331 -1.835736
B90 2DP 37 0 52.405817 -1.830031
B90 2DQ 43 0 52.406283 -1.835233
B90 2DR 13 0 52.405279 -1.837353
B90 2DS 1 1 52.406797 -1.830586
B90 2DT 16 0 52.416193 -1.831285
B90 2DU 32 0 52.415817 -1.832624
B90 2DW 41 0 52.406719 -1.832218
B90 2DX 10 0 52.415062 -1.832612
B90 2DY 28 0 52.414956 -1.833789
B90 2DZ 23 0 52.414211 -1.834953
B90 2EA 29 0 52.413958 -1.833778
B90 2EB 10 0 52.416869 -1.832297
B90 2ED 9 0 52.413441 -1.83081
B90 2EE 26 0 52.412347 -1.832387
B90 2EF 14 0 52.411271 -1.834259