all postcodes in B90 / SOLIHULL

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B90 2PD 21 0 52.402343 -1.834218
B90 2PE 36 0 52.404424 -1.830889
B90 2PF 36 0 52.40405 -1.833389
B90 2PG 33 0 52.402115 -1.837967
B90 2PH 14 0 52.401296 -1.837676
B90 2PJ 20 0 52.400156 -1.838489
B90 2PL 3 0 52.39591 -1.839276
B90 2PN 5 0 52.399186 -1.839315
B90 2PP 30 0 52.399089 -1.840594
B90 2PQ 29 0 52.402417 -1.835423
B90 2PR 54 0 52.398014 -1.836748
B90 2PS 19 0 52.401118 -1.839029
B90 2PT 28 0 52.399454 -1.825646
B90 2PU 47 0 52.397728 -1.825653
B90 2PW 60 0 52.398305 -1.839098
B90 2PX 16 1 52.399267 -1.82644
B90 2PY 13 0 52.40042 -1.828538
B90 2PZ 1 1 52.399372 -1.83079
B90 2QA 1 0 52.400904 -1.827389
B90 2QB 21 0 52.39888 -1.826119