all postcodes in B90 / SOLIHULL

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B90 2QD 19 0 52.398152 -1.826268
B90 2QE 23 0 52.403301 -1.837228
B90 2QF 34 0 52.402477 -1.839436
B90 2QH 28 0 52.403296 -1.840726
B90 2QJ 32 0 52.402353 -1.841274
B90 2QL 26 0 52.40086 -1.840853
B90 2QN 33 0 52.400765 -1.843998
B90 2QP 34 0 52.401833 -1.842084
B90 2QR 26 0 52.401267 -1.842835
B90 2QS 16 0 52.400188 -1.842472
B90 2QT 19 0 52.403308 -1.842755
B90 2QU 17 0 52.404161 -1.842193
B90 2QW 27 0 52.40223 -1.843685
B90 2QX 51 0 52.400052 -1.841355
B90 2RA 50 0 52.399145 -1.835538
B90 2RB 67 0 52.397967 -1.835278
B90 2RD 17 0 52.39807 -1.831795
B90 2RE 11 0 52.399193 -1.838066
B90 2RF 38 0 52.399768 -1.837359
B90 2RL 16 1 52.396919 -1.825538