all postcodes in B / Birmingham

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District

B / Birmingham

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B2 4JD 13 6 52.478873 -1.899315
B2 4JH 6 4 52.479038 -1.89876
B2 4JQ 5 3 52.478858 -1.898775
B2 4JU 1 1 52.495953 -1.894214
B2 4LP 4 2 52.47964 -1.897713
B2 4LR 1 1 52.479566 -1.895696
B2 4LS 10 5 52.479936 -1.897226
B2 4NB 1 0 52.47828 -1.895257
B2 4ND 1 1 52.477374 -1.898042
B2 4NS 8 2 52.478709 -1.896812
B2 4NU 1 1 52.478416 -1.896582
B2 4NY 4 2 52.478406 -1.89589
B2 4PA 88 0 52.478406 -1.89589
B2 4PX 3 3 52.477677 -1.898007
B2 4PY 4 2 52.478633 -1.897892
B2 4QA 1 1 52.477662 -1.898012
B2 4QB 1 1 52.495953 -1.894214
B2 4QD 1 1 52.495953 -1.894214
B2 4QJ 2 1 52.478623 -1.896935
B2 4RF 3 0 52.478861 -1.895486