all postcodes in B / Birmingham

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District

B / Birmingham

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B2 5LG 10 10 52.481364 -1.896222
B2 5LH 7 3 52.481157 -1.896075
B2 5LJ 1 1 52.481157 -1.896075
B2 5LS 15 13 52.480481 -1.897691
B2 5NY 7 7 52.480708 -1.899899
B2 5PG 5 1 52.480405 -1.899493
B2 5QJ 2 1 52.479611 -1.89999
B2 5QP 4 3 52.479686 -1.899877
B2 5RE 1 1 52.479929 -1.900053
B2 5RS 43 10 52.47972 -1.900638
B2 5SN 6 3 52.480501 -1.900371
B2 5ST 2 0 52.480439 -1.900842
B2 5TB 12 9 52.479972 -1.900991
B2 5TJ 6 3 52.480137 -1.901378
B2 5TX 6 6 52.479894 -1.901217
B2 5UF 1 1 52.479894 -1.901202
B2 5UG 7 7 52.479805 -1.901423
B2 5YB 1 1 52.481274 -1.896089
B3 1AG 2 1 52.485573 -1.901508
B3 1AH 1 1 52.495953 -1.894214