all postcodes in B / Birmingham

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District

B / Birmingham

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B1 3HQ 1 1 52.495953 -1.894214
B1 3HR 1 0 52.485459 -1.91216
B1 3HS 30 24 52.484826 -1.911818
B1 3JA 54 0 52.483318 -1.910677
B1 3JH 13 9 52.483588 -1.910839
B1 3JN 37 1 52.483417 -1.911325
B1 3JP 28 0 52.482832 -1.91059
B1 3JR 85 7 52.484423 -1.9096
B1 3LA 1 1 52.484064 -1.91019
B1 3LD 23 4 52.484467 -1.913217
B1 3LR 2 0 52.483739 -1.913366
B1 3ND 13 7 52.485206 -1.910394
B1 3NJ 21 8 52.48611 -1.90965
B1 3NL 1 1 52.485763 -1.910024
B1 3NS 9 0 52.486526 -1.909183
B1 3NU 13 5 52.486006 -1.91079
B1 3PA 4 1 52.486429 -1.91151
B1 3PB 1 1 52.486132 -1.911246
B1 3PE 34 7 52.48482 -1.911057
B1 3PF 1 1 52.495953 -1.894214