all postcodes in B / Birmingham

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District

B / Birmingham

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B3 1JP 4 4 52.482263 -1.906807
B3 1LB 1 1 52.481959 -1.908839
B3 1LH 6 3 52.4829 -1.904538
B3 1NQ 10 10 52.482746 -1.903802
B3 1PB 3 0 52.482618 -1.904769
B3 1PW 48 1 52.482336 -1.908294
B3 1PX 5 5 52.484237 -1.9064
B3 1PY 1 1 52.482832 -1.91059
B3 1QA 77 3 52.483775 -1.909204
B3 1PP 55 0 52.483587 -1.909558
B3 1QG 53 5 52.484215 -1.907951
B3 1QJ 1 1 52.486147 -1.906489
B3 1QS 88 14 52.484624 -1.906414
B3 1RB 33 5 52.485827 -1.904615
B3 1QU 4 2 52.485093 -1.904386
B3 1QZ 14 10 52.48599 -1.906102
B3 1RD 73 4 52.486496 -1.905296
B3 1RG 1 1 52.485677 -1.903442
B3 1RL 5 5 52.485327 -1.904297
B3 1RR 28 0 52.486955 -1.905074