all postcodes in B / Birmingham

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District

B / Birmingham

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B3 1RS 6 6 52.488142 -1.906706
B3 1RW 28 0 52.486146 -1.905886
B3 1RY 2 2 52.483581 -1.906416
B3 1SA 26 2 52.484933 -1.907081
B3 1SB 1 1 52.495953 -1.894214
B3 1SD 6 1 52.485083 -1.907665
B3 1SJ 3 2 52.484035 -1.907701
B3 1SF 12 11 52.483737 -1.905891
B3 1SH 4 2 52.484503 -1.90826
B3 1SN 1 1 52.484835 -1.907803
B3 1SW 5 3 52.484286 -1.90695
B3 1SZ 1 1 52.484944 -1.909555
B3 1TE 73 0 52.48727 -1.905913
B3 1TH 8 8 52.485654 -1.90864
B3 1TR 56 6 52.486093 -1.907137
B3 1TT 3 2 52.486387 -1.907146
B3 1TU 1 1 52.486794 -1.906503
B3 1TX 31 4 52.487028 -1.906679
B3 1UD 27 4 52.487061 -1.907646
B3 1UE 10 4 52.486957 -1.908564