all postcodes in B / Birmingham

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District

B / Birmingham

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B1 2LG 1 1 52.478367 -1.914206
B1 2LH 1 1 52.475299 -1.910237
B1 2LJ 70 0 52.476064 -1.911296
B1 2LL 15 0 52.475604 -1.910546
B1 2LN 1 1 52.478528 -1.913205
B1 2NB 248 248 52.480862 -1.908636
B1 2NF 1 1 52.495953 -1.894214
B1 2NH 62 0 52.480836 -1.909225
B1 2NJ 62 0 52.480594 -1.910212
B1 2NN 58 0 52.480235 -1.911081
B1 2NP 2 2 52.479495 -1.911666
B1 2NT 11 0 52.48002 -1.912554
B1 2NU 10 2 52.480182 -1.912465
B1 2NW 58 0 52.480037 -1.911847
B1 2NX 1 1 52.479382 -1.913409
B1 2PD 3 0 52.482276 -1.915798
B1 2PJ 2 1 52.481081 -1.916669
B1 2PL 42 0 52.482181 -1.91735
B1 2PN 40 0 52.482631 -1.917467
B1 2PP 30 0 52.482101 -1.918631