all postcodes in B / Birmingham

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District

B / Birmingham

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B1 2PR 12 0 52.481526 -1.918603
B1 2PS 43 0 52.481864 -1.91923
B1 2PT 13 0 52.48141 -1.920311
B1 2PU 26 0 52.481734 -1.920517
B1 2PW 40 0 52.482631 -1.917467
B1 2PX 30 0 52.482381 -1.921222
B1 2PY 36 0 52.482283 -1.92215
B1 2PZ 6 3 52.483631 -1.920749
B1 2QA 18 0 52.482776 -1.919661
B1 2QB 33 0 52.482696 -1.920574
B1 2QD 19 0 52.483306 -1.918864
B1 2QL 9 0 52.483189 -1.91913
B1 2QQ 2 0 52.482871 -1.918948
B1 2RQ 2 1 52.481601 -1.911461
B1 2RR 10 3 52.481547 -1.911373
B1 2RT 59 0 52.481477 -1.913155
B1 2RU 25 0 52.481286 -1.910637
B1 2RX 43 4 52.481189 -1.913568
B1 2SG 1 1 52.474569 -1.907971
B1 2SL 75 2 52.481109 -1.914525