all postcodes in B / Birmingham

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District

B / Birmingham

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B1 2SN 26 0 52.482007 -1.912859
B1 2SS 20 2 52.483215 -1.918187
B1 2ST 9 0 52.482892 -1.918232
B1 2SW 2 0 52.482031 -1.913723
B1 2TJ 1 0 52.483344 -1.92256
B1 2TL 2 0 52.483915 -1.920596
B1 2UH 16 0 52.483972 -1.920277
B1 2UJ 56 0 52.484062 -1.919644
B1 2UL 60 0 52.484062 -1.919644
B1 2UN 1 1 52.483456 -1.91961
B1 2UU 1 1 52.477539 -1.913324
B1 2YN 1 1 52.495953 -1.894214
B1 3AA 16 1 52.484166 -1.914372
B1 3AG 3 3 52.484868 -1.915195
B1 3AJ 50 4 52.485541 -1.914045
B1 3AP 44 2 52.48499 -1.914335
B1 3AR 1 1 52.485979 -1.915379
B1 3AS 38 4 52.485926 -1.916042
B1 3BD 1 1 52.48553 -1.91163
B1 3BN 4 0 52.483365 -1.913122