all postcodes in BN5 / STEYNING

find any address or company within the BN5 postcode district

Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN5 9RE 11 0 50.931938 -0.29983
BN5 9RF 16 0 50.930973 -0.304322
BN5 9RG 7 0 50.928024 -0.302508
BN5 9RL 22 0 50.928569 -0.268234
BN5 9RN 1 0 50.928579 -0.267664
BN5 9RP 5 2 50.927567 -0.259463
BN5 9RQ 4 0 50.932851 -0.273155
BN5 9RR 6 0 50.923297 -0.255739
BN5 9RS 16 0 50.926078 -0.26672
BN5 9RT 6 0 50.922358 -0.255147
BN5 9RU 1 0 50.919666 -0.258591
BN5 9RW 4 0 50.928738 -0.268669
BN5 9RX 1 0 50.9176 -0.243432
BN5 9RY 26 0 50.926623 -0.270412
BN5 9RZ 19 0 50.927239 -0.271314
BN5 9SA 10 1 50.912358 -0.258778
BN5 9SB 13 0 50.909062 -0.260878
BN5 9SD 8 1 50.912407 -0.268522
BN5 9SE 7 3 50.916443 -0.267163
BN5 9SF 4 0 50.92072 -0.266862