all postcodes in BN5 / STEYNING

find any address or company within the BN5 postcode district

Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN5 9AP 4 0 50.948 -0.26858
BN5 9AQ 4 0 50.958704 -0.245242
BN5 9AR 8 0 50.953152 -0.264273
BN5 9AS 4 0 50.951019 -0.253291
BN5 9AT 26 12 50.950725 -0.248731
BN5 9AU 3 0 50.945409 -0.258853
BN5 9AW 9 0 50.965943 -0.241038
BN5 9AX 3 0 50.94565 -0.255755
BN5 9AY 33 2 50.971048 -0.241701
BN5 9AZ 6 1 50.977125 -0.238537
BN5 9BA 14 1 50.936547 -0.250161
BN5 9BB 3 1 50.943712 -0.243729
BN5 9BD 6 2 50.94921 -0.241529
BN5 9BE 2 0 50.949713 -0.243859
BN5 9BH 3 0 50.949618 -0.238451
BN5 9BJ 17 7 50.951268 -0.236069
BN5 9BL 10 0 50.958222 -0.259898
BN5 9BP 8 0 50.96421 -0.247783
BN5 9BS 4 0 50.963165 -0.261522
BN5 9BT 8 0 50.966082 -0.256913