all postcodes in BN5 / STEYNING

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN5 9PW 9 0 50.934752 -0.282564
BN5 9PX 1 1 50.933522 -0.27962
BN5 9PY 5 0 50.93372 -0.276896
BN5 9QA 30 0 50.933927 -0.282053
BN5 9QB 56 2 50.934017 -0.279033
BN5 9QD 9 0 50.933726 -0.284041
BN5 9QE 9 0 50.934326 -0.278011
BN5 9QH 18 0 50.933 -0.274132
BN5 9QJ 22 0 50.935175 -0.281338
BN5 9QL 9 0 50.935918 -0.273198
BN5 9QR 1 0 50.938277 -0.282548
BN5 9QS 3 0 50.929598 -0.290796
BN5 9QT 5 0 50.94124 -0.29263
BN5 9QU 14 3 50.933157 -0.293725
BN5 9QX 1 0 50.927445 -0.290816
BN5 9QY 7 3 50.927197 -0.286798
BN5 9QZ 2 0 50.928272 -0.291755
BN5 9RA 20 1 50.931106 -0.295193
BN5 9RB 10 0 50.930869 -0.298062
BN5 9RD 2 0 50.931781 -0.288794