all postcodes in BN5 / STEYNING

find any address or company within the BN5 postcode district

Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN5 9NU 3 0 50.933266 -0.275688
BN5 9NX 6 0 50.932122 -0.273483
BN5 9NY 20 1 50.931614 -0.277058
BN5 9NZ 2 0 50.932832 -0.276431
BN5 9PA 8 0 50.932015 -0.274424
BN5 9PB 7 0 50.932643 -0.27554
BN5 9PD 10 0 50.931702 -0.281224
BN5 9PE 3 0 50.931519 -0.276122
BN5 9PF 2 0 50.931451 -0.276767
BN5 9PG 10 0 50.931421 -0.274973
BN5 9PH 13 0 50.932888 -0.278121
BN5 9PJ 12 1 50.932762 -0.284174
BN5 9PL 28 0 50.933004 -0.282329
BN5 9PN 30 0 50.934524 -0.283568
BN5 9PP 36 1 50.935156 -0.284016
BN5 9PQ 9 3 50.910135 -0.290086
BN5 9PR 20 1 50.933948 -0.284728
BN5 9PS 18 0 50.93347 -0.280376
BN5 9PT 22 0 50.934463 -0.281208
BN5 9PU 1 1 50.935034 -0.28029