all postcodes in BS23 / WESTON-SUPER-MARE

find any address or company within the BS23 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS23 1RU 10 0 51.349715 -2.977569
BS23 1RW 24 0 51.349792 -2.974742
BS23 1RY 12 1 51.349782 -2.976402
BS23 1RZ 2 0 51.349934 -2.976023
BS23 1SE 7 7 51.347738 -2.981011
BS23 1SF 6 5 51.347828 -2.979936
BS23 1SH 1 1 51.347449 -2.979009
BS23 1SL 4 4 51.347421 -2.97806
BS23 1SP 19 4 51.347468 -2.977407
BS23 1SQ 10 7 51.347529 -2.979749
BS23 1SR 30 7 51.347085 -2.976939
BS23 1SS 14 8 51.347191 -2.979368
BS23 1ST 24 10 51.346573 -2.97901
BS23 1SW 50 0 51.344366 -2.979977
BS23 1SX 6 3 51.347001 -2.979536
BS23 1SY 7 3 51.346857 -2.979505
BS23 1TA 8 0 51.346378 -2.979767
BS23 1TD 15 2 51.346174 -2.979915
BS23 1TE 1 1 51.346154 -2.979647
BS23 1TF 10 4 51.346208 -2.978629