all postcodes in BS23 / WESTON-SUPER-MARE

find any address or company within the BS23 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS23 1QQ 16 9 51.348008 -2.97739
BS23 1QR 4 0 51.34771 -2.976436
BS23 1QS 14 2 51.347809 -2.977471
BS23 1QT 11 9 51.347601 -2.976591
BS23 1QW 17 2 51.348617 -2.97443
BS23 1QX 7 4 51.347357 -2.975681
BS23 1QZ 17 7 51.347141 -2.974542
BS23 1RB 35 0 51.347587 -2.974954
BS23 1RD 45 0 51.348299 -2.97484
BS23 1RE 7 0 51.347979 -2.975407
BS23 1RF 12 0 51.348114 -2.975396
BS23 1RG 34 2 51.347956 -2.976096
BS23 1RH 41 11 51.348858 -2.975699
BS23 1RJ 18 4 51.349432 -2.975912
BS23 1RL 21 1 51.349858 -2.975533
BS23 1RN 12 0 51.349548 -2.975291
BS23 1RP 25 2 51.348943 -2.977438
BS23 1RQ 30 8 51.34812 -2.975798
BS23 1RS 77 0 51.349156 -2.97661
BS23 1RT 25 0 51.34908 -2.977154