all postcodes in BS48 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS48 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS48 1HZ 29 0 51.437965 -2.754837
BS48 1JA 38 0 51.438131 -2.754293
BS48 1JB 15 1 51.437247 -2.7533
BS48 1JD 18 0 51.437027 -2.752491
BS48 1JE 15 12 51.438495 -2.751915
BS48 1JF 54 0 51.437419 -2.750339
BS48 1JG 56 0 51.435324 -2.74176
BS48 1JH 11 0 51.436329 -2.753357
BS48 1JJ 11 10 51.438221 -2.752899
BS48 1JL 15 0 51.434959 -2.742376
BS48 1JN 10 8 51.438594 -2.750492
BS48 1JP 14 0 51.442137 -2.745122
BS48 1JQ 14 0 51.436485 -2.752572
BS48 1JR 18 0 51.444264 -2.749948
BS48 1JS 4 0 51.445265 -2.753691
BS48 1JT 5 0 51.445582 -2.751998
BS48 1JU 7 0 51.445804 -2.749527
BS48 1JW 7 0 51.436281 -2.752536
BS48 1JX 7 0 51.446091 -2.748251
BS48 1JY 5 0 51.444879 -2.743486