all postcodes in BS48 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS48 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS48 1LA 4 0 51.443671 -2.742888
BS48 1LB 8 1 51.443726 -2.735478
BS48 1LD 2 0 51.443587 -2.732976
BS48 1LE 12 1 51.44153 -2.730062
BS48 1LF 2 0 51.44192 -2.730734
BS48 1LG 4 0 51.441016 -2.728888
BS48 1LH 3 0 51.436061 -2.721731
BS48 1LJ 3 0 51.435926 -2.720363
BS48 1LL 2 0 51.436333 -2.721135
BS48 1LN 2 0 51.436573 -2.721556
BS48 1LP 8 0 51.439693 -2.727688
BS48 1LQ 11 1 51.439508 -2.726739
BS48 1LR 7 0 51.439292 -2.726991
BS48 1LS 12 0 51.439811 -2.727118
BS48 1LT 21 0 51.434463 -2.742954
BS48 1LW 30 0 51.439605 -2.728708
BS48 1LY 13 0 51.435286 -2.743273
BS48 1LZ 45 0 51.42515 -2.695642
BS48 1NA 8 0 51.446453 -2.734878
BS48 1ND 60 0 51.435017 -2.740661