all postcodes in CA10 / PENRITH

find any address or company within the CA10 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA10 2LG 2 1 54.622113 -2.757945
CA10 2LH 11 0 54.643727 -2.758032
CA10 2LL 13 0 54.63113 -2.777456
CA10 2LN 12 0 54.629247 -2.780952
CA10 2LR 7 0 54.630028 -2.79765
CA10 2LS 9 1 54.614225 -2.788731
CA10 2LT 6 1 54.609048 -2.811824
CA10 2LZ 1 1 54.589929 -2.843834
CA10 2NA 20 3 54.594817 -2.833735
CA10 2NB 3 0 54.584936 -2.845928
CA10 2ND 25 2 54.576924 -2.856715
CA10 2NE 8 0 54.611872 -2.820907
CA10 2NF 29 0 54.558772 -2.88638
CA10 2NG 23 2 54.617394 -2.809621
CA10 2NH 17 2 54.611935 -2.816836
CA10 2NL 17 0 54.611894 -2.817641
CA10 2NN 15 2 54.612467 -2.819325
CA10 2NP 5 3 54.612235 -2.821445
CA10 2NQ 1 0 54.611523 -2.813933
CA10 2NR 7 0 54.609766 -2.822615