all postcodes in CA13 / COCKERMOUTH

find any address or company within the CA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA13 0RS 6 0 54.58183 -3.329461
CA13 0RT 5 0 54.583297 -3.321834
CA13 0RU 30 2 54.577238 -3.331698
CA13 0RW 3 0 54.60908 -3.317963
CA13 0RX 1 0 54.639423 -3.385433
CA13 0RY 31 2 54.640786 -3.398233
CA13 0SF 40 3 54.63896 -3.404616
CA13 0RZ 3 0 54.640589 -3.403572
CA13 0SD 41 0 54.641061 -3.404781
CA13 0SA 2 0 54.64087 -3.404047
CA13 0SB 2 0 54.641022 -3.404858
CA13 0SE 1 1 54.644633 -3.412142
CA13 0SG 2 1 54.633522 -3.396745
CA13 0SH 3 0 54.641787 -3.405736
CA13 0SJ 6 0 54.624577 -3.404043
CA13 0SL 32 2 54.62511 -3.40448
CA13 0SN 7 0 54.6204 -3.401514
CA13 0SP 51 3 54.611357 -3.398387
CA13 0SQ 10 0 54.640613 -3.402318
CA13 0SR 8 1 54.613011 -3.371002