all postcodes in CA13 / COCKERMOUTH

find any address or company within the CA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA13 0QN 10 4 54.654364 -3.372487
CA13 0QP 61 0 54.700918 -3.322491
CA13 0QQ 7 7 54.653326 -3.376095
CA13 0QR 40 0 54.655783 -3.374984
CA13 0QT 35 27 54.656271 -3.372396
CA13 0QU 5 0 54.653339 -3.384156
CA13 0QW 3 0 54.700233 -3.321817
CA13 0QX 7 2 54.649541 -3.372
CA13 0QY 2 1 54.644748 -3.383307
CA13 0QZ 1 1 54.631362 -3.381441
CA13 0RA 7 0 54.627101 -3.381529
CA13 0RB 13 0 54.62276 -3.365692
CA13 0RD 8 0 54.626773 -3.362852
CA13 0RE 11 1 54.632944 -3.363957
CA13 0RF 7 0 54.642598 -3.350072
CA13 0RG 10 0 54.62683 -3.331861
CA13 0RN 18 0 54.641434 -3.402811
CA13 0RP 10 0 54.601233 -3.319691
CA13 0RQ 12 1 54.61705 -3.318158
CA13 0RR 12 0 54.591631 -3.317523