all postcodes in CA13 / COCKERMOUTH

find any address or company within the CA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA13 0PH 12 0 54.705045 -3.387453
CA13 0PJ 10 0 54.68798 -3.405936
CA13 0PN 63 9 54.686974 -3.406693
CA13 0PP 3 0 54.70231 -3.389284
CA13 0PQ 3 0 54.679566 -3.406111
CA13 0PR 56 0 54.703894 -3.387475
CA13 0PT 40 1 54.706003 -3.383853
CA13 0PS 5 0 54.70655 -3.383189
CA13 0PU 10 0 54.703556 -3.391871
CA13 0PW 1 0 54.691368 -3.390399
CA13 0PX 4 0 54.704233 -3.386152
CA13 0PY 3 0 54.714494 -3.365002
CA13 0PZ 16 0 54.692417 -3.338738
CA13 0QA 6 0 54.697271 -3.34177
CA13 0QB 6 0 54.72054 -3.305648
CA13 0QE 46 30 54.720435 -3.304558
CA13 0QG 14 0 54.691026 -3.307106
CA13 0QH 4 0 54.697695 -3.325443
CA13 0QJ 1 0 54.697493 -3.325902
CA13 0QL 3 0 54.701219 -3.32292