all postcodes in CA13 / COCKERMOUTH

find any address or company within the CA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA13 0SS 8 0 54.606909 -3.37891
CA13 0ST 48 0 54.596177 -3.409365
CA13 0SU 18 5 54.591828 -3.370061
CA13 0SW 1 0 54.615344 -3.405041
CA13 0SX 18 0 54.658533 -3.420174
CA13 0SY 11 1 54.656075 -3.410322
CA13 0SZ 9 0 54.657322 -3.411466
CA13 0TA 57 0 54.658155 -3.414021
CA13 0TB 10 0 54.659938 -3.413789
CA13 0TD 1 0 54.659444 -3.411415
CA13 0TE 64 0 54.65934 -3.41338
CA13 0TF 4 0 54.661512 -3.413688
CA13 0TG 18 0 54.659394 -3.417212
CA13 0TQ 6 0 54.658088 -3.41881
CA13 0TH 6 0 54.65845 -3.418047
CA13 0TJ 48 0 54.659651 -3.419112
CA13 0TL 14 0 54.660167 -3.420277
CA13 0TN 2 1 54.659711 -3.41375
CA13 0TP 34 0 54.660361 -3.422175
CA13 0TR 22 0 54.659846 -3.42394