all postcodes in CA25 / CLEATOR MOOR

find any address or company within the CA25 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA25 5RE 2 0 54.52929 -3.540563
CA25 5RG 3 0 54.531058 -3.540753
CA25 5RH 2 0 54.533933 -3.535175
CA25 5RJ 10 0 54.529132 -3.536755
CA25 5RL 67 0 54.524337 -3.527907
CA25 5RQ 51 1 54.532455 -3.541918
CA25 5RS 6 0 54.528094 -3.529994
CA25 5RT 7 0 54.528523 -3.530891
CA25 5RU 6 0 54.529559 -3.531408
CA25 5RX 18 0 54.529531 -3.530109
CA25 5RY 3 0 54.528942 -3.529732
CA25 5RZ 6 0 54.5292 -3.531379
CA25 5SA 14 0 54.528583 -3.533303
CA25 5SB 20 0 54.528025 -3.531954
CA25 5SD 30 0 54.527454 -3.530124
CA25 5SE 8 0 54.528041 -3.529204
CA25 5SF 7 0 54.528546 -3.529114
CA25 5SG 4 0 54.529125 -3.530218
CA25 5SH 6 0 54.528564 -3.531943
CA25 5SJ 10 0 54.528935 -3.53103