all postcodes in CA25 / CLEATOR MOOR

find any address or company within the CA25 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA25 5SL 5 0 54.528701 -3.530325
CA25 5SN 10 0 54.528351 -3.529632
CA25 5SP 6 0 54.5282 -3.530863
CA25 5SQ 6 0 54.529307 -3.530765
CA25 5SR 7 0 54.528267 -3.531267
CA25 5SS 1 0 54.528159 -3.532685
CA25 5ST 2 0 54.529996 -3.529525
CA25 5SW 8 0 54.527791 -3.530523
CA25 5NH 5 0 54.526993 -3.52252
CA25 5GZ 2 0 54.525846 -3.527948
CA25 5WA 1 1 54.477657 -3.526165
CA25 5BE 4 0 54.519529 -3.51926
CA25 5DQ 8 0 54.521184 -3.509868
CA25 5RN 3 0 54.526524 -3.538264
CA25 5RP 6 0 54.530212 -3.531665
CA25 5RR 5 0 54.529633 -3.531983
CA25 5RW 22 0 54.531014 -3.531511
CA25 5SU 8 0 54.530666 -3.531281
CA25 5BF 5 0 54.53093 -3.532481
CA25 5DE 2 0 54.53072 -3.530541