all postcodes in CA25 / CLEATOR MOOR

find any address or company within the CA25 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA25 5JX 39 0 54.528499 -3.52783
CA25 5JY 22 0 54.528208 -3.52666
CA25 5JZ 15 0 54.527272 -3.521804
CA25 5LA 12 3 54.521082 -3.515117
CA25 5LB 4 1 54.521274 -3.514891
CA25 5LD 45 2 54.520465 -3.512744
CA25 5LE 19 0 54.51966 -3.510953
CA25 5LF 10 0 54.520675 -3.513941
CA25 5LG 10 2 54.520056 -3.512406
CA25 5LJ 16 0 54.519179 -3.509885
CA25 5LL 3 2 54.518987 -3.510217
CA25 5LN 16 0 54.518224 -3.50798
CA25 5LP 15 1 54.517603 -3.505827
CA25 5LQ 17 1 54.519635 -3.511525
CA25 5LR 5 0 54.517059 -3.504075
CA25 5LS 26 0 54.517596 -3.50496
CA25 5LU 19 0 54.519058 -3.511688
CA25 5LW 2 2 54.517392 -3.507627
CA25 5LX 20 0 54.518515 -3.510511
CA25 5LY 18 0 54.518141 -3.511005