all postcodes in CB2 / CAMBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB2 8BB 13 6 52.191932 0.132378
CB2 8FG 1 1 52.192125 0.126434
CB2 8BG 6 1 52.192327 0.130421
CB2 8BH 12 0 52.191268 0.132055
CB2 8BN 48 0 52.190201 0.131607
CB2 8BP 20 0 52.192198 0.128104
CB2 8BS 2 2 52.186919 0.130148
CB2 8BU 1 1 52.191509 0.1269
CB2 8BW 8 2 52.190582 0.130938
CB2 8DJ 1 1 52.188669 0.129339
CB2 8DU 1 1 52.188669 0.129339
CB2 8ER 12 0 52.182306 0.119924
CB2 8ES 54 0 52.182969 0.120526
CB2 8ET 20 0 52.183505 0.121736
CB2 8EU 15 0 52.183043 0.122929
CB2 8EX 26 1 52.187467 0.121954
CB2 8EZ 17 0 52.181211 0.117795
CB2 8HE 32 0 52.180642 0.121425
CB2 8HF 10 0 52.180266 0.118847
CB2 8HG 1 1 52.181474 0.120192