all postcodes in CB2 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB2 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB2 8HH 23 0 52.181104 0.124723
CB2 8HJ 1 1 52.188669 0.129339
CB2 8NY 7 0 52.188645 0.134402
CB2 8PB 49 9 52.189017 0.135722
CB2 8PE 1 1 52.188028 0.135675
CB2 8PF 4 1 52.18704 0.133416
CB2 8PH 662 662 52.185277 0.137413
CB2 8PJ 27 0 52.183756 0.135748
CB2 8PL 7 0 52.182742 0.135641
CB2 8PN 22 0 52.181562 0.134238
CB2 8PP 16 1 52.179361 0.137585
CB2 8PQ 17 1 52.186579 0.137258
CB2 8PR 3 0 52.179634 0.133473
CB2 8PS 27 1 52.178452 0.139633
CB2 8PW 25 1 52.181801 0.133445
CB2 8PX 1 1 52.178576 0.132794
CB2 8QA 5 0 52.187114 0.135016
CB2 8QE 32 0 52.181791 0.140216
CB2 8QF 1 1 52.181072 0.13894
CB2 8RG 18 0 52.188063 0.137725