all postcodes in CB2 / CAMBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB2 8RJ 25 4 52.188121 0.136996
CB2 8RL 10 0 52.186783 0.137897
CB2 8RN 22 2 52.186191 0.138322
CB2 8RP 35 1 52.181252 0.14142
CB2 8RS 9 0 52.183752 0.139931
CB2 8RW 2 0 52.183948 0.14029
CB2 8DG 19 0 52.191528 0.12762
CB2 8DL 43 0 52.190272 0.128964
CB2 8DP 16 0 52.190972 0.128017
CB2 8DW 10 0 52.190944 0.127606
CB2 8DX 9 0 52.191318 0.129278
CB2 8EW 20 0 52.189728 0.127724
CB2 8DR 1 1 52.188669 0.129339
CB2 8DN 8 0 52.189985 0.127912
CB2 8DZ 27 0 52.188802 0.128675
CB2 8BD 22 0 52.188527 0.128718
CB2 8BY 36 0 52.187902 0.128749
CB2 8PA 2 2 52.191007 0.134309
CB2 8DE 8 0 52.191637 0.129044
CB2 8EN 9 0 52.190196 0.12719