all postcodes in CF71 / LLANTWIT MAJOR

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Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF71 7LA 7 0 51.464235 -3.445923
CF71 7LE 9 0 51.46701 -3.43006
CF71 7LG 7 2 51.467603 -3.428624
CF71 7LH 4 0 51.435113 -3.436832
CF71 7LJ 28 2 51.456947 -3.477992
CF71 7LL 8 0 51.45223 -3.487627
CF71 7LN 6 0 51.452525 -3.488514
CF71 7LP 56 1 51.435451 -3.480463
CF71 7LQ 7 0 51.439022 -3.466794
CF71 7LR 32 0 51.445279 -3.449627
CF71 7LS 2 0 51.439323 -3.443279
CF71 7LT 83 2 51.434533 -3.435778
CF71 7LU 12 0 51.434276 -3.439122
CF71 7LW 5 0 51.434867 -3.437817
CF71 7LX 14 0 51.446297 -3.446551
CF71 7LY 6 0 51.435096 -3.480135
CF71 7LZ 5 0 51.446681 -3.44747
CF71 7ND 23 0 51.468453 -3.523298
CF71 7NE 28 0 51.468116 -3.523589
CF71 7NF 5 0 51.468701 -3.52011