all postcodes in CF71 / LLANTWIT MAJOR

find any address or company within the CF71 postcode district

Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF71 7NG 10 1 51.467396 -3.526445
CF71 7NH 12 0 51.469113 -3.525062
CF71 7NJ 17 0 51.468023 -3.50857
CF71 7NL 46 3 51.471425 -3.526364
CF71 7NN 12 0 51.468031 -3.528755
CF71 7NP 10 0 51.471271 -3.525782
CF71 7NQ 85 2 51.456021 -3.49427
CF71 7NS 19 0 51.446431 -3.494619
CF71 7NT 24 1 51.450321 -3.520075
CF71 7NU 4 0 51.449339 -3.522288
CF71 7NW 8 0 51.44862 -3.52435
CF71 7NX 2 0 51.448825 -3.521767
CF71 7NY 12 0 51.448297 -3.520814
CF71 7NZ 20 0 51.447186 -3.519842
CF71 7PA 17 1 51.442296 -3.509233
CF71 7PB 30 13 51.435217 -3.503805
CF71 7PD 6 0 51.449882 -3.520651
CF71 7PE 7 0 51.448208 -3.524193
CF71 7PF 98 80 51.439984 -3.498091
CF71 7PX 7 0 51.443288 -3.529123