all postcodes in CM15 / BRENTWOOD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM15 8BN 23 0 51.617483 0.31313
CM15 8BP 11 0 51.617991 0.31567
CM15 8BS 4 0 51.617819 0.314794
CM15 8BT 17 0 51.620126 0.316976
CM15 8BU 14 0 51.618431 0.315244
CM15 8BW 15 0 51.616935 0.314908
CM15 8BX 9 0 51.618992 0.318696
CM15 8BY 9 0 51.618942 0.315776
CM15 8BZ 9 0 51.61935 0.318325
CM15 8DA 8 0 51.620212 0.319017
CM15 8DB 7 0 51.626471 0.316736
CM15 8DD 4 0 51.620913 0.318128
CM15 8DE 31 0 51.621478 0.320297
CM15 8DF 9 0 51.617984 0.311132
CM15 8DG 20 0 51.622429 0.320156
CM15 8DH 33 0 51.623088 0.321203
CM15 8DJ 11 0 51.624579 0.320412
CM15 8DL 25 0 51.624759 0.317661
CM15 8DN 8 0 51.623833 0.318725
CM15 8DP 1 1 51.623012 0.318423