all postcodes in CM15 / BRENTWOOD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM15 9AA 8 0 51.626827 0.315106
CM15 9AB 5 1 51.630014 0.319055
CM15 9AE 5 0 51.630505 0.319052
CM15 9AF 15 0 51.62834 0.294248
CM15 9AG 39 0 51.629909 0.316912
CM15 9AH 40 0 51.629344 0.314095
CM15 9AJ 40 0 51.628566 0.315673
CM15 9AL 16 1 51.630888 0.318478
CM15 9AN 6 0 51.6339 0.318978
CM15 9AS 6 0 51.624304 0.302553
CM15 9AT 2 0 51.621741 0.305617
CM15 9AU 40 12 51.62212 0.305259
CM15 9AX 30 11 51.622594 0.304026
CM15 9AZ 23 8 51.622988 0.303947
CM15 9BB 14 2 51.623828 0.302529
CM15 9BD 70 0 51.625495 0.305851
CM15 9BE 48 0 51.626809 0.303534
CM15 9BG 3 1 51.625413 0.309589
CM15 9BH 8 0 51.624264 0.303678
CM15 9BJ 16 0 51.624552 0.303649