all postcodes in CM16 / EPPING

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM16 5DE 36 0 51.698621 0.107457
CM16 5DF 8 0 51.699811 0.105804
CM16 5DH 37 0 51.700107 0.104313
CM16 5DJ 9 0 51.699165 0.105702
CM16 5DL 44 0 51.698152 0.106002
CM16 5DN 23 3 51.699355 0.109647
CM16 5DP 47 0 51.701013 0.107452
CM16 5DQ 53 3 51.70113 0.11074
CM16 5DR 3 0 51.701045 0.106672
CM16 5DS 78 0 51.70027 0.106231
CM16 5DT 35 0 51.703139 0.108752
CM16 5DU 19 1 51.702462 0.106376
CM16 5DW 44 0 51.700793 0.107152
CM16 5DX 20 0 51.703342 0.107473
CM16 5DY 23 0 51.702159 0.107737
CM16 5DZ 33 0 51.701621 0.10913
CM16 5EA 26 0 51.702408 0.109398
CM16 5EB 1 1 51.699097 0.109982
CM16 5ED 45 0 51.701338 0.107872
CM16 5EE 13 0 51.699971 0.10736