all postcodes in CM16 / EPPING

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM16 5HS 18 1 51.695144 0.067791
CM16 5HT 7 1 51.694912 0.088282
CM16 5HW 4 3 51.676454 0.063931
CM16 5JA 12 6 51.708685 0.094069
CM16 5JJ 40 0 51.69951 0.107784
CM16 5JU 1 1 51.699437 0.10836
CM16 5AF 47 0 51.699124 0.103222
CM16 5AG 54 0 51.698937 0.101651
CM16 5AZ 46 0 51.698557 0.102762
CM16 5AN 3 0 51.699216 0.102141
CM16 5BD 1 51.700224 0.110119
CM16 5BB 2 0 51.684666 0.0778