all postcodes in CM16 / EPPING

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM16 5EG 2 0 51.70012 0.108869
CM16 5EJ 11 0 51.696115 0.105271
CM16 5EL 35 0 51.696848 0.105508
CM16 5JB 1 1 51.697581 0.099218
CM16 5EN 40 0 51.698134 0.10454
CM16 5EP 21 0 51.699181 0.104791
CM16 5ER 24 0 51.700513 0.10274
CM16 5ES 39 0 51.701489 0.104478
CM16 5ET 21 0 51.696914 0.103325
CM16 5EU 20 0 51.696692 0.103691
CM16 5EW 32 0 51.699755 0.10337
CM16 5EX 1 0 51.696279 0.101646
CM16 5HA 29 0 51.695694 0.102456
CM16 5HB 22 0 51.694737 0.099896
CM16 5HD 26 0 51.694039 0.100211
CM16 5HE 7 0 51.693664 0.099007
CM16 5HF 5 0 51.695536 0.099427
CM16 5HH 7 0 51.695425 0.067703
CM16 5HP 3 0 51.675893 0.059017
CM16 5HR 1 0 51.684872 0.06796