all postcodes in CM18 / HARLOW

find any address or company within the CM18 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM18 6UW 29 0 51.753343 0.099282
CM18 6UX 24 0 51.753717 0.102516
CM18 6UY 40 0 51.754789 0.102884
CM18 6UZ 15 0 51.755108 0.101638
CM18 6WZ 1 0 51.771744 0.093959
CM18 6XA 21 0 51.754622 0.101659
CM18 6XB 23 0 51.754147 0.102086
CM18 6XD 16 0 51.754647 0.102269
CM18 6XJ 29 0 51.758093 0.090605
CM18 6XL 50 0 51.759613 0.091559
CM18 6XN 26 0 51.758864 0.090742
CM18 6XP 20 0 51.758666 0.090211
CM18 6XR 26 0 51.75907 0.089244
CM18 6XS 43 0 51.757512 0.090882
CM18 6XT 10 0 51.757694 0.09176
CM18 6XU 14 0 51.758097 0.092358
CM18 6XW 33 0 51.759734 0.089811
CM18 6XX 7 0 51.755274 0.091822
CM18 6XY 53 0 51.756055 0.091424
CM18 6XZ 29 0 51.756786 0.091776