all postcodes in CM18 / HARLOW

find any address or company within the CM18 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM18 6LR 1 1 51.771738 0.093931
CM18 6LT 15 2 51.758305 0.11293
CM18 6LU 5 5 51.758682 0.113455
CM18 6LW 21 0 51.758386 0.117918
CM18 6LX 8 5 51.757147 0.113832
CM18 6LY 19 11 51.757005 0.114548
CM18 6NA 18 2 51.757403 0.114407
CM18 6NF 1 1 51.756042 0.113069
CM18 6NG 1 1 51.756473 0.114279
CM18 6NN 36 0 51.756813 0.113396
CM18 6NP 1 1 51.756958 0.112795
CM18 6NQ 2 2 51.75808 0.115265
CM18 6NR 17 5 51.757286 0.112593
CM18 6NS 19 13 51.757456 0.113122
CM18 6NW 36 0 51.756614 0.112923
CM18 6NZ 18 7 51.757883 0.113374
CM18 6PA 38 10 51.757725 0.112642
CM18 6PB 42 0 51.759161 0.112347
CM18 6PD 26 0 51.758652 0.112135
CM18 6PE 12 0 51.757918 0.111419