all postcodes in CM1 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM1 1SD 0 51.739467 0.467177
CM1 1GP 69 5 51.737212 0.474339
CM1 1FZ 1 1 51.734197 0.473581
CM1 1GD 59 5 51.734506 0.475897
CM1 1GH 29 3 51.734309 0.474988
CM1 1GS 77 0 51.735743 0.46638
CM1 1GZ 10 7 51.736184 0.466661
CM1 1GN 51 0 51.736418 0.46633
CM1 1RS 5 5 51.738695 0.470089
CM1 1JR 8 8 51.736144 0.46995
CM1 1GR 0 51.73613 0.466748
CM1 1SJ 40 0 51.738618 0.466044
CM1 1BW 0 51.742492 0.500602
CM1 1FW 2 2 51.736631 0.465168
CM1 1BB 1 1 51.742492 0.500602
CM1 1PG 24 0 51.735621 0.468629
CM1 1LS 40 0 51.735348 0.467484
CM1 1DG 17 0 51.735531 0.468204
CM1 1HW 18 0 51.735761 0.46797
CM1 1LA 65 0 51.735237 0.468087