all postcodes in CM1 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM1 1SY 49 18 51.737832 0.465722
CM1 1TA 1 1 51.740534 0.474188
CM1 1TB 1 1 51.735881 0.469976
CM1 1TD 17 5 51.736266 0.464493
CM1 1TE 9 0 51.736174 0.46297
CM1 1TF 27 0 51.736189 0.462247
CM1 1TG 43 0 51.735197 0.462396
CM1 1TH 11 0 51.735033 0.46075
CM1 1TN 24 0 51.734365 0.461728
CM1 1TP 38 0 51.733701 0.460808
CM1 1TQ 14 0 51.734171 0.461033
CM1 1TR 1 1 51.740849 0.472887
CM1 1TS 17 12 51.736079 0.467499
CM1 1TW 23 0 51.734701 0.460718
CM1 1TY 1 1 51.735578 0.473787
CM1 1UE 82 0 51.740499 0.474968
CM1 1UH 3 3 51.740415 0.475977
CM1 1UQ 1 1 51.738575 0.474964
CM1 1UL 1 1 51.742492 0.500602
CM1 1UP 1 1 51.735292 0.471135